29 Week Update


29 weeks and I’ve been shopping! I’ve tried not to spend too much on maternity clothes as it feels like a waste for such a short amount of time but I have a few social things to go to over the next couple of weeks and wanted to feel nice, so a treat seemed in order.

There are virtually no shops you can buy maternity wear in, in Southampton so I decided to pop to a small local shopping village called Whiteley which I knew had both a Topshop and H&M that stocked an albeit small and limited selection.

Somebody was obviously smiling upon me, it is so difficult to find maternity clothes that don’t make you look frumpy and/or drowning in material when you are petite, Everything seems to sit at the wrong point, not accentuate the tiny bit of remaining waist I have and just hang until it meets the widest point of my calf!

I have seen a lot of talk of dungarees recently, I never thought I’d be swayed but I found a pair in Topshop that I loved so went back today hoping they’d have some – only to find them there and marked down to £20 in the sale, bingo! Then they went through the till for £10. £10! £10 in Topshop – day made, right there!!

Then we popped into H&M and I spotted the dress, I recognised it would hug my boobs and waist and then skim down and stop above my knee plus it was only £15 – SOLD! Imagine my excitement when that too went through the till reduced, £7! Thank you very much!!

A successful 20 minutes of shopping followed by brunch with Ted and my bestie…Pretty much a perfect Friday!

I’ve also had my latest midwife appointment since my last post and unfortunately I’m still left feeling pretty disappointed. My midwife is really nice but I don’t feel very cared for. She measured me at 3cm small (25cm at almost 28weeks) and said she was going to refer me for a scan, then changed her mind as I was 3 days away from 28 weeks, I’m fine with this and am pretty confident all is OK, I carried small with Ted and think that’s probably just normal for me but I do feel it should be monitored a bit as last time I stopped growing completely at 33 weeks. I thought I’d be offered an additional check but no, it will be 7 weeks between my last and next appointment! I know I can call and request one once she’s back and do intend to if I don’t think I’m growing but it is a massive contrast to the care and attention I received when I was carrying Ted and think it’s really sad that I feel like a nuisance rather than excited by my appointments.

Anyway, onto more positive things!This week I’m loving…

Spatone – with my iron levels being low and me being really loathed to get bunged up by iron tablets I wanted to try other routes first. I’m getting my fill of red meat, green veg and vitamin c rich foods plus cutting out tea and coffee most of the time but this and a (foul tasting) vegetable supplement seem to be helping too – I didn’t realise how exhausted I was until I stopped being! Anyone using/thinking of using Spatone, head to Amazon, it is half the price on there.

Gas and Air Blog – I stumbled across Clemmie (or Midwifey Hooper) a few months ago and have been very envious of her cool London life and love her approach to midwifery (I really wish she was mine!) She’s a massive advocate of empowering women, choices, home birth and the use of hypnobirthing and I’ve found reading her blog and the featured stories the perfect complement to my birth preparations.

Sleep! – It has returned and I couldnt be happier, after approx 3 months of only a few hours here and there I’ve now had three nights of more than eight hours, it’s blissful and I want to bottle this feeling for a few weeks time!

See you at 31 weeks…eekk, being in the thirties makes everything feel very real!!
