
We have had a fantastic weekend, months ago we decided that just because we’re not religious, Ted shouldn’t miss out on a celebration of him, simply being him so we set about planning a ‘Welcome to the World’ party!

When we sent the invitations out in the spring, we had no idea we’d be in a different house and not quite recovered or straight from said move…However,  it was the perfect kick up the backside to get everything in line!

I am extremely fortunate that one of my best friends Midge (it’s a long story…she’s really called Sarah) is a very talented event stylist so we managed to have everything looking Ted centred (well, aside from the copious amount of pimms, the wine fridge and giant beer cool box) but adult friendly too.


Primary colours, fire truck cupcakes (as a nod to Rich’s job) and big happy sunflowers were the name of the game!


We were sooo fortunate with the weather, a scare shower at 9 am had me thinking the worst but within an hour all the clouds had disappeared and we were very grateful for the awning keeping all the babies cool!

The BBQ went down a treat, we picked up supplies from a local butchers the day before and had way too much for the 50+ people who joined us once it was teamed with the goodies that were generously added by friends and family…


My friend Gemma created this triumph of a cake – even featuring the man himself and Ted was most upset that mean Mummy didn’t think this cake
from my friend Claire was the next step on his baby led weaning journey…


It was such a lovely opportunity for us to spend time with people who are special to us, was amazing to see them fight over Ted cuddles and showed just how much our little guy has captured the hearts of not only us but our nearest and dearest too.

We were over whelmed by the amazingly thoughtful gifts he received and his savings account certainly looks healthier than ours now!

It was a busy, happy day that wound down to coincide with the World Cup Final, some rather bleary eyed boys watched / snored through Germany’s victory…Ted however, legend that he is, managed to last 40 minutes past his normal bed time then was snoozing away until morning despite the rather noisier than normal surroundings!

Now, we best get planning his 1st birthday party…a January garden party doesn’t sound quite so appealing though…time to call on Midge again!!

4 thoughts on “Celebrate!

  1. Aahh it’s so hard isn’t it?! I was completely the same, still say to people now…I actually, in a very strange way enjoyed labour! I’m far from a fountain of knowledge but if I can help at all, just shout xx

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